Business Development Manager for Sites
From Lead to Start-Up, a powerful Customer Relationship Manager is at the core of our business development functions, seamlessly integrated with our CTMS+ for Sites.
Leads Management
Track your trial leads and progress
Industry Contacts
Easily manage your industry relationships
Pipeline Management
Easily manage your pipeline and startups
AI Powered Research
Keep track of changes and opportunities
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Managing new study opportunities and ability to track trials with multifunctional options has increased our productivity and provided us with metrics to highlight our value in a competitive environment.

Eric Canut McCaffrey, BD Director
Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc.
Leads Tracking
Keep track of unlimited leads and monitor how they progress.
Track your contacts associated with leads/studies as well as your communication and efforts to secure the lead.
Pipeline Management
Instantly know what your pipeline looks like for each of the sites, where you are with early lead development, site selection, and start-up timelines.
Realtime Performance Metrics
Integrated with our CTMS, Regulatory and Quality Assurance modules, our powerful reporting gives sites access to real time enrollment data, balanced score card, and reasons for screen fails or non-performance all at a glance.
Optimized Workflows
Gone are the days of entering the same information into multiple systems. SiteCentric’s all-encompassing workflows platform shares data in real-time. For example, a coordinator with new contact information can instantly share across all departments the sponsor and CRO details.
Contact Relationship Manager
Easily know what trials your contact has worked on across sites by linking their information to any trial they have managed in the past.
Schedule follow-ups and keep your relationship current with ease.
AI-powered Research (Alpha)
It’s close to impossible to stay on top of everything in a such a fast-paced industry. Our AI-powered news query engine automatically searches the Internet for relevant press releases, articles and announcements for your leads, contacts, and partners and can alert you of changes.
Built by sites, for sites
SiteCentric® Business Development for Sites Highlights
Effectively manage your study pipeline with SiteCentric’s Business Development functionality built for Sites. Competing solutions, are over-powered and too cluttered for the needs of research sites. Our solution is tailor made from the ground up to meet research site needs.
Easy Study Pipeline View
Easily manage your study pipeline for one or multiple sites and know what studies are coming up and when it is expected to start.
For sites who want to add a dollar value to their pipeline, the system can easily incorporate your custom value calculation algorithm during the integration process.

Patient Waitlist vs. Pipeline
Your own patient database is a very valuable tool. Why not take advantage of it?
Know at the glance what your own patient population is waiting for.
Matching waitlists with the pipeline is a powerful tool that will in turn reduce your advertising spend and improve patient satisfaction.
Contact Relationship Manager
A full industry contacts manager is included in our Clinical Trial Management System for Sites.
No need to get yet another system to manage your contacts, their study assignments and more.
It has all the functionality of expensive Salesforce-based systems, with the added advantage of full integration into our suite of products.

Query Studies/Leads
Easily answer PIQ’s with our study query function of the Business Development module of SiteCentric’s CTMS+ platform.
Streamlined Operations
Real-Time commitment vs performance study score cards. Know at the click of a button how well you are performing and how a sponsor/CRO views your site.
Effortless Planning
Never miss a follow-up or to check on an opportunity. The business development tools part of our platform make it easy to stay on track.
AI Powered
Timely Knowledge is Power
Our AI news search engine robot finds relevant articles, press releases to your leads, sponsors and indications letting you know of important changes.
All Inclusive CTMS+ platform to efficiently manage your sites.
Let’s evaluate your needs and how our platform can enhance your site’s effectiveness from Business Development to Study Closeout.
✓ Efficiency at its finest
✓ Decades of experience
Built by sites, for sites
SiteCentric® CTMS for Sites Integrations
If you are not using SiteCentric, valuable data is sitting with your respective teams without having access to it when and where it is needed most. SiteCentric’s fully integrated system shares real-time performance and start-up data making your business development efforts more effective.
Study Performance
Know in real time exactly how well your site is performing on a specific trial. Our Business Development module built into SiteCentric CTMS+ enables your team to know what is going on and including reasons for roadblocks if any.
This is an especially powerful feature for business development professionals and Sponsors/CRO’s alike.

Study Start-Up Tracker
Understand where your study is in the start-up process with a click of a button. Information is linked from different modules like Compliance and Quality Assurance and the Clinical Trials Management System into the Business Development module.
Cross-Section Performance
Looking for a trial performance to highlight while on the phone with sponsors or CRO’s to secure a trial? A simple query summarizes your performance and give you the detail you need quickly make your business development teams more effective at your sites.

Ready for the Next Step?
We need to evaluate your needs and create an implementation plan to ensure your success. But, first things first, schedule a meeting with us!
✓ Efficiency at its finest
✓ Decades of experience